
Khmer Unicode

  1. Use a Zip softwares to Extract the KhmerUnicode2.0.0.zip
  2. Installation:
    1. Khmer Unicode 2.0.0
      Double click on this KhmerUnicode2.0.0.exe icon

    2. Welcome Wizard Khmer Unicode
      Click "Next" as indicating by the arrow

    3. Destination Location Khmer Unicode
      Click "Next" as indecating by the arrow

    4. Destination Location Khmer Unicode
      It may take minutes to wait...

    5. Finish Installing Khmer Unicode
      Click "Finish"

    6. Language Selection between Khmer Unicode and English
      At the bottom-corner of your computer screen, you should see this image that allow you to select either CA: Catalan or EN:English (United States) for Writing (Typing). For writing in Khmer, you need to select CA:Catalan.

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