
Eaksarlabchig! 'CIA' - 'MI6' helped capture an anti-Gaddafi.

Senior Human watch Wright Waters said the confidential documents shows that CIA officers and U.S. M-I-6 of the British aid Gaddafi. The arrest of the opposition ...

Foreign news agencies reported on 4 September that officials from the Organization for Human Rights or Human Wright Water Match (Human Right Watch) said that hundreds of secret documents. Shows that U.S. Central Intelligence or the CIA (CIA) secretly helping Ammar's Colonel Gaddafi and the Libyan people did not agree with the punishment. In the former head of Libyan intelligence.

Human Wright Waters stated that the document matches. The correspondence between the CIA and Mr. Moses Kusadasi former head of Libyan intelligence. Who now Refugees to live in London, England, the letter said. The preamble that "He is respected" and has signed a letter is not an official by the name of a CIA officer.

He said the documents indicate that Delta's hub and Kim Bell, commander of the Libyan rebels were present. It is one of those arrested were the CIA. The punishment was delivered to Libya. "From the documents we found in the focus of his life in a fax dated in 2004, the CIA sent. To report the arrest and extradition to The Hunt for Mr. Bell. The real action occurs. Mr. Bell South and was arrested by the CIA in Asia. And was sent to Libya in secret. Libyan officials and was interrogated and tortured, "said Peter C. Bull, Kurt, one of those people who find the document said.

The Hunt for Mr. Bell said he was tortured by CIA officials. Before being sent to Libya again. Later, he was tortured in the Abu Salim prison, a notorious reputation in Tripoli.

Jennifer Blood as a spokesman for the CIA. The comments on this matter. "Not Published surprise. The central intelligence agency of the United States will work with foreign governments. In order to protect the U.S. from terrorism. Threat or danger. "

The City's Mr. Kurtz also said that the unit's M-6 (MI6), or the British intelligence agency. The information of the Libyan government in England as well. As William Hague said the foreign minister can not express any opinions. In the matter of espionage.

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