Indian team for the examination of forensic evidence. In the explosion occurred. To ascertain the offender's punishment, the prime minister recognized the security weakness in the security of the country.
8 Sep 54 New Delhi, Delhi, India's Supreme Court opened as usual today. The explosion occurred outside the entrance to the court yesterday. Have killed 12 people and wounded nearly 80 people, while a forensic team to the area to find evidence in the scene to investigate the male perpetrator and the police released a picture.
Sketches of two suspects who wants to be interrogated. As well as by car bomb at hand may cause.
Although officials said. Now it is too early to indicate that the bombings as acts of either party. But those involved in terrorist networks that use a rear shot up. North York - Ulm - Al Hudson Women - Isla Mujeres is based in
Pakistan has sent email notification that is behind bombings that have killed and wounded in the capital city of New Delhi in nearly three years and have warned that an attack on the other. If not, cancel the death penalty a man who was convicted in the conspiracy case, the attacks on the Indian Parliament in 2544.
While Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Singh, who recently returned from a visit to Bangladesh. Have said that.
Latest bombing demonstrates the difficulties and weaknesses in the security of the country. And terrorists take advantage of this flaw. So we need to work hard to plug the loopholes.
Previously been the scene of a car bomb at Delhi High Court in May, but no injuries. And some experts believe that it is a test event before the big bombings yesterday. The questions that Why not add more stringent security measures.
India to find them before the bombings.
9:01 PM